5 Ways To Naturally Increase Breast milk Supply

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Photo Taken By Cedasha

I didn’t have a birth plan the only thing I planned was to breast feed. Being a total novice I had no idea how challenging it can be! I went from producing 4 oz each breast, to getting mastitis, to barely 1 oz each, to 4oz + again. Breast feeding is like a roller coaster, it goes up and down. For one week I put my son on formula because I just couldn’t keep up. To give you an idea I have a 16 pound 4 month old. So yes he eats a lot. Feeling defeated, I knew all that mattered is that he got his nutrients and was full. Not how I felt or what I wanted to do.

However, one day unbeknownst to me I ate a salad and my milk went crazy! I thought “it had to be the salad!”. The next day I tried it again and got the same results! I have increased my greens ever since. This leads me to my first way to increase your milk:


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Photo Taken By Cedasha

Once I started to eat greens my milk increased a lot. By greens I mean any greens, salad, green beans, asparagus, etc. Eat greens you like and won’t get tired of daily. Broccoli and brussel sprouts are my favorite but they are super gassy so I stay away from them at the moment.


Drinking water is equally as important as eating your greens. You need water to produce the milk. I try to drink 4 or more bottles of water a day.


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Photo Taken By Cedasha

Not to mention they taste good! I eat a few for dessert. Click here to check them out https://amzn.to/33Qtpn6


How can you love nursing but hate to pump? Well I think I figured that out! Having a pumping schedule may help. I pump after the first feed in the morning and throughout the day using the Haakaa. The Haakaa is a manual pump and is one of the best investments I’ve made! I love manual pumping. Try it out! You won’t feel so bogged down. If using the machine it may help to massage your breast or use the Lansinoh gels while pumping. Massaging will help any clogged ducts you may have!.

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Photo Taken By Cedasha. Avocado Toast Recipe HERE

As a nursing mama you are your babies food source. What you put into your body goes into theirs. So after the occasional cheat day try your best to eat healthy overall. Not to mention we are exhausted as new moms and really need to take care of our body. Eating healthy will not only make you feel good but also reassure you that baby is getting the nutrients needed.

Also, utilize your resources don’t be afraid to ask for help! Another great thing to do is to see a lactation specialist. I did and it really helped. I still take a prenatal vitamin and will continue to until I am done nursing.

Hang in there! Things get better. Like with everything else staying consistent is key if you want to see results. I really hope this helps! Doing these things really helped me. Let me know over on Instagram @Cmichellestyles if it did.


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