Hi Ladies n’ Gents,
Do you believe in diets?
Dieting to me is more of a temporary quick fix, nothing permanent. I think that nn order for someone to maintain the weight lost during dieting, they must CONTINUE to diet because as soon as they smell a french fry they will gain all the weight back. I am no
nutritionist, but I believe the best way to loose weight and keep it off is by watching your portions n’ exercising! That way you can eat whatever you want n’ still maintain your weight! But what do you think?
Speak On IT!!!
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it really depends. i feel like people confuse short term diet and life style change. its more than just eating less for most people. yes portion control and exercising can help you maintain and not gain weight, but it really wont help you loose. I know from personal experiences. I know that some people have to stick to low fat choices or have to cut back on carbs. and that’s something they have to deal with for the long term. diets can work if they are done under the supervision of a dietitian (my future career! yay) and if the… Read more »
I am with you on diet, Michelle.
You are going to be hungry no matter what, especially if you work all day. To me, manage what you eat, and you are going to be fine.
I believe in moving more and eating less. Not only do u lose weight u feel like u have more energy. I used to be super lazy and not move much just on the computer all day. But I go for walks and cycling it makes all the difference!