Hi Ladies n’ Gents,
We are back to regular scheduled programming! I want to share with you another very important n’ key item to have in your kit, brush cleaner…
Having a quality brush cleaner is ESSENTIAL. When doing makeup for multiple people in one sitting, you want to ensure that you quickly sanitize your brushes for the next client. I pour a little brush cleaner on a piece of paper towel n’ clean the brush. For example, if I am using a 217 brush by mac…
I would wipe the brush on the napkin in a circular motion. This allows the brush to be thoroughly cleaned along with the bristles not being damaged. As we all know purchasing quality brushes is expensive, so you want to ensure that they have a long life.
Currently, I am using M.A.C brush cleaner (pictured above) but I have heard of many other types brands for example: Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner, Cover FX Brush Cleaner, n’ more! I can not say the quality of the brush cleaner, however, I will be experimenting with other brands soon.
So Ladies n’ Gents, I hope you all have some type of brush cleaner in your kits. For of course the obvious reason of it being sanitary along with it being a staple Must Have kit item.
This is my Excerpt
Excellent post. I have a daily brush cleaner in my kit as well as a brush shampoo.
Thank you Anitra, good idea, I think I’ll add the baby shampoo that I use for deep cleaning in my kit as well! great tip!