What’s In My Hospital Bag: Quarantine Edition

Hi Everyone,

I can’t believe it is finally time for me to pack my hospital bag! It’s been a long time coming with lots of preparation and research. I really took my time picking each item to put in this bag and even more time on deciding what I planned to put in his room/use on him. One piece of advice I would give to anyone in any new situation is….DO YOUR RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF! Lots of people will have recommendations, sell you on there favorites, and some may be a little pushy! Just because it works for them doesn’t mean it will work for you or your baby. Each item I list is hand picked and are things that will make me comfortable and happy. Use this video as a guide to help you find the perfect items for you. Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email if you have any questions specifically!

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Majority of the items are listed on my Amazon store (here)

Click the link to go to my Amazon store (here) for majority of the items that I could find. Listed below are a few more items:

Hospital Bag

Cute Bear Receiving Blanket
Cute Bear Footie & Hat Set
Jouer Cosmetics Essential Lip Enhancer Balm 0.33 oz/ 10 mL

Due to the quarantine there are a few items I was going to bring that I can’t like: A pillow and a small blanket. They do not want us to bring any house hold items. Also, another thing I wanted to mention is why I am NOT bringing underwear. I am not bringing them because the hospital will supply them and I will have my always discreet underwear with me.

Here is a list of what the hospital is giving me: gown, underwear, pads, peribottle, soap and linens for mom.  For baby: diapers, wipes, bulb suction, undershirt, hat, baby soap blankets and swaddler.

I know this is a lot but it’s best to be prepared. The last thing you want is to get there and not have the things you need. Especially during the quarantine when your partner/loved one can NOT leave the hospital until you are being discharged. Yea I know…that’s another thing! So please pack carefully and wisely!


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