Journal Challenge: Breaking Cycles & Shedding Dead Weight

Hi Queens n’ Kings,

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Thank you guys so much for signing up to be apart of my first journal challenge: “Breaking Cycles & Shedding Dead Weight”! I am so excited that we are doing this together. Please sign up for the forum so we can all talk about any and everything after each day.

Over the course of 10 days I will send you one question with a corresponding scripture.  Whether you have a devotional routine or not , I ask that you read the question first before writing so you can  think about it…then do whatever else in your routine.  It’s really important that you have some quite time when you do this and take it seriously.

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5. Click on “Hi Guys” post,
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{My Testimony}

I know a lot of us want to be in relationships but there is work on your end that must be done first. We must prepare to be the best possible versions of ourself first before adding someone else in the mix. What’s the point in starting a relationship broken? How far will that go? Starting a relationship broken will most likely leave you MORE broken. Not knowing yourself, what you stand for, and what you want out of life will leave you upset with yourself and in a deeper RUT! Love, self respect, being good on our own, know your value, worth, and standards are very important to be solid in first (amongst other things)! If not, that’s when settling comes in! Why settle for bad when you can trust God for better! #ThatsAWord!

God had to break me down! I was not listening when he called. Sad part is he gave me countless chances! Then he got tiiiiiiiiiide hunny! Not tired…TIED and was like “Ok, you don’t wanna listen, you are hard headed and stubborn so now I am going to make you listen!” And he did! It was the hardest, one of the most painful lessons in my life. God broke me down till I had nothing left in me. I had no clue on who I was and the thing I thought was my purpose for the past 7 years was no longer valid. Have you ever thought something was for you then one day your whole vision for you life is gone? Do you know how scary that is? To be a 28 year old women in the world, in a new place, with NO GOAL, mission, or purpose. #SCARY! To just exist on the planet feeling like a zombie and purely lost! Let me tell you first hand it is the worst feeling in the world.  My whole world was turned upside down. I am driven by passion. I had none. I felt empty, naked, nothing… I asked God…”Why did I move to California…I thought it was for makeup but ended up being for HIM overall” Hallelujah….

For TWO YEARS I hated the very thing that I thought brought me to Cali. I was out in the world roaming the expanse WITH NO PURPOSE! I had no passion or drive for anything! I was trying to find it but I got nothing. I literally woke up each day and my goal was to cloth, feed myself, and try to find something that ignited my fire. I worked odds and ends jobs just to stay a float! Oh! not to mention through all of that I was prideful and refused to ask for help! So I was all messed up! Usually I just wanted to go back to bed and start over…I looked forward to tomorrow. All that I once knew about myself and my goals was gone! All that I once liked about myself, my confidence, my power, my ambition was gone. I was confused, depressed and BROKEN.

2 Corinthians 5 17

Can you imagine being in a relationship with that mind set? Can you imagine how dangerous that could be if you fall into the wrong hands when you are that vulnerable? During this time I wanted a man but I swear I was invisible! Unbeknownst to me I was! God had me hidden in his heart! He knew he was developing me and that was not the time for a relationship. He wanted me to wake up and realize that he was calling me and that I had work to do! He wanted me to desire HIM like I was a relationship. He wanted me to stop and just be still. He woke me up to realize that I was holding on to so much dead weight that it was hindering and blocking me from my devine destiny! Also, from becoming the best version of myself! I had so much dead weight that it kept me bound and in the same place. No growth! Y’all I never thought I would go into ministry for real! Like WHET? I thought I’d pray in church on Sunday, enjoy the service, get recharged for the week, and LEAVE! Not a FULL BLOWN MINSITRY! HE revealed this to me when he was removing all the dead weight from my life! I was at the bottom emotionally & spiritually, then God told me theres no where to go from here but up! I heard him say:

“If you stay obedient to me, if you serve me, if you worship me, if you are unashamed of me I will bless you. You can follow me or stay in the same place”  

This was the last straw y’all! I was at a fork in the road. God pretty much gave me an ultimatum! Either I was going to be obedient and follow him with all my heart and change the trejectory of my life and have a purpose….or go my own way, lean on my own understanding, stay in a depressed, draining lifestyle, with no purpose. You can guess the one I chose. This journal challenge is so important to me because this is what changed the course of my life. Once I made my decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly he and I had intimate moments. He would wake me up EVERY MORNING AROUND THE SAME TIME! I kid you not! And I would pray, mediate, and journal. EVERY MORNING for about a month straight he would give me a message or put something on my heart to do…thinking back this was miraclous! HE revealed to me that he was my bff and gave me things to work on! THINGS ABOUT MYSELF! He knew I had a ton of dead weight to shed and healing to do…and he wanted me first before anyone else! So that’s why this journal challenge is so important y’all! This will help identify whats going on with you. Do it before God sits that tail down and makes you! Don’t get to that point! Trust me! It wasn’t pretty but remaining faithful and obedient through the process changed my life. Once I started listening and becoming obedient my life started changing. I had no choice but to listen.

Really dig deep when answering these questions ladies n’ gents! Now is not the time to play and be cute journaling! We are doing Gods work by submitting to him fully! Be real with yourself! This is between you and God. Write down what you TRULY feel! Don’t hold back! I’m not reading it, hopefully no one else is…even if they do no one can hold anything against you that you accept #boom!! Be bold! Talk to GOD! Ask him to reveal to you the things you need to work on, ask him to help you make the changes you have really been wanting to change! The time is NOW! Be real with yourself because God already knows…He just waiting on you to meet him in the middle so he can bless you. Faith without works is dead! Know that God loves you and wants to give you HIS VERY BEST! Don’t shut him out during this process TRUST HIM during this process. He will change your life!

I’m so excited you guys I don’t know what to do…Stay encouraged!


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