C.Michelles Style: Coolin It Chic

Style Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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I wanted to be casual today so I am not my extra self! However DO NOT be alarmed I will go back to my “extra-ness soon” trust.

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I wanted to be causal with a flare so I decided to color block n’ I add a banteau (that I had since the middle school, shows the growth in my cup size LMBO #shrugs) underneath my woven top! My Lip Color, Bandeau, n’ Shoes match! LOL

Lips: MAC Magenta Liner, MAC Impassioned Lipstick, Dior Ultra Gloss 525

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I absolutely love these colors together! I kept my hair n’ makeup simple! I did not want to wear any makeup actually n’ it was too hot for hair on my neck…so the curly pony it is!

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This ensemble is perfect for those hot days where you want to wear something airy n’ sexy but not look like a hooka! LMBO

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Wearing: Forever 21 Blue Woven Top: $13.50, Bandeau $???, White Shorts TJMaxx $14.99, Pimp Pimps Burlington Coat Factory $9.99, Jessica Simpson Shades @TJmaxx 12.99=Roughly $57.00 Lets assume the Bandeau was $4.99 LOL *Besos*

I hope you enjoy! So tell me…

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Fifth n sixth closet
Fifth n sixth closet
12 years ago

You have a really cool style!!


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