Back To School 101: Style Inspiration

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

Back To School 101: Style InspirationPin this image on Pinterest

Going back to school brings back nostalgic feelings. I miss the anticipation of wondering whom my roommate would be, getting up early to get into the classes with the teachers I wanted, OH! n’ figuring out when that A-MAZING refund check was coming. For some, picking out there first day of school ensemble is a BIG deal! However,  it never was for me because I did not care LOL! DON”T be like me! Care! Represent!!!! (I showed up with a hoodie n’ jeans #Stressed On The First Damn Day). #Sidebar I never spent my refund check frivolously expect one time…

Outfit 1: Cardigan | Fedora | LipstickShorts | Boots |

After I learned my lesson I got it together! N e who, I loved n’ still love going back to school shopping (for school supplies that is).  Those book prices were astronomical, THAT I do NOT miss! Gosh! I miss throwing on my chunky sweater, yoga pants, n’ uggs to chuck it to the lib on the bus. There is nothing wrong with being chic n’ comfy! Each ensemble above represents that! Those seriously were the days! My biggest worries were finishing papers, doing homework, and finding food at 3am because the cafe was rude n’ decided to be closed UGH!

Outfit 2: Cap | Glasses | Sweater | Jeans | WatchShoes

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(Young Styles Moving Into her First College APT)

Outfit 3: Sweater | Jeans | Pen | Shoes

Although, when I got an apt my list of worries added like paying rent n’ other bills. If you are in a hurry to graduate (I know you heard this time n’ time again) do not be! Le struggle is real on the other side as an adult! Paying bills, going to work over your summer break, n’ OH paying BILLS isn’t the greatest. However, I am very blessed, I have no complaints, that’s what you go to school for in the first place right?

Outfit 4: Dress | Backpack | Shoes

Which ensemble would you wear to class? Which is your fav?


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10 years ago

LOVE, love, LOVE # 1 and # 4! The #Selfie top is too awesome for words — so cute!! Great outfit inspirations!! Love!

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