How Dating Has Changed: Now Vs Then

Hey Queens n’ Kings,

I wanted to share with you my take on dating today in 2018! Expressed are my opinions based off of experiences. Trust me you do NOT want to be single in this day…I have come to believe many (NOT ALL) single people in this day do not:

How Dating Has Changed Now Vs. Then Pin this image on Pinterest

1. Date intentionally for marriage
2. Value Relationships
3. Want to build a foundation to sustain the relationship
4. Are upfront about what they are looking for in the beginning
5. Care about creating unnecessary soulties
6. Care about hurting other people because they have been hurt. So hurt people hurting people
7. Know the word of God and how to govern themselves accordingly

Like I mentioned above…not all people obviously! Unbeknownst to me I had a pattern of running into men that weren’t ready to settle down nor were they looking to either!  They are apart of the “Waste Your Time Tribe”. Let me define what this is…so if you ever meet a man or women like this you will recognize the signs immediately:

1. Don’t be fooled this type of person because they could be in any socio-economic class…from bum to rich so be careful! There tax bracket means nothing…Just because a man is 35 and established that does not mean he is ready AT ALL to settle down…even though I think he should be…doesnt mean he is…so don’t go into anything assuming he is ready.

2. They aren’t trying to spend a lot of time with you because they may be splitting it amougnst all there partners.

3. He/she always has an excuse as to why he/she can’t spend time with you or meet your family…

4. But he/she ALWAYS finds time to get some as#

5. He/She is not putting their all into you

6. You are not a priority in there life…everything comes before you unless (Refer to #4)

7. Only hit you up and be sweating you when its convenient for them.

8. Selfish…always about their own needs and wants. Don’t really ask about your day or how YOU are doing…When they do…they aren’t listening or have response like “That sucks, dang, cool, that’s messed up, or oh…all indications they did here a word you just lets just add..

9. Poor listeners or just simply don’t care what your talking about!

These type of people want to suck the life out of you until they use you up! They also expect wifely/husbandly duties out of you to prove to them you are with marrying…LET ME  JUST SAY YOU ARE ENOUGH!!! You know they have to try the shoe on before it fits! Have you ever heard the saying….Why buy the cow when the milk is free? You know them type of ppl!When they ARENT offering you A-TING to begin with but maybe…possibly sex! Now why would you want that headache? When you can be patient and wait on the MAN / WOMAN OF God that is preparing just like you are! I refuse to believe I will have to deal with any of traits from men in the “Waste Your Time Tribe” when they are sent from God! Listen, women and men as you progress in your life, emotionally, spiritually, etc you come to a point were you say what you want in the beginning and if your wants don’t align…you move on! I have also gotten to the point where I am enjoying my singleness! I don’t have the headache! The right one will come with some issues naturally but he will never make me feel like I’m a sidekick or not a priority in his life.

Read Galations 5: 22-23 to see what Im talking about! Day by day I become more and more whole where I have the majority of what I need. A man should add to my joy, peace, and happiness…I just feel dating anyone who holds me back from those things I just described, instead of propelling me forward is a NO GO! I do expect for hard times and relationship challenges to come in the future but I don’t expect them to be things that take me away from God, make me feel insecure, or always made and having to fight for my relationship! That’s wack! We should both mutually want to be in the relationship that we put in the work for…So don’t waste your time with the ppl in the “Tribe”. Save yourself a headache, the drama, and heartache! I love you all!

Check out my video on youtube where I share my experiences, thoughts, and ideas on dating as a millennial in 2018! Please make sure you subscribe comment, and share with all your friends who know the struggle!


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