How to clean your makeup brushes

[youtube S94oXG5myY4]

Hey Ladies and Gents,

For a quick cleaning all you need is: paper towel and some type of brush cleaner

For a deep cleaning all you need is: Olive oil, a Napkin, baby shampoo, a wash cloth, and if need brush cleaner

When cleaning your brushes follow the style of the brush, if it is a flat brush, clean them in a wind-shield wiper motion, you do not want to damage the bristles going in a circular motion. If you are cleaning a rounded-tip fluffy brush, clean them in a circular motion.

I hope this helps Ladies and Gents!

Have a marvelous day!


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Makeup Lover
Makeup Lover
14 years ago

hmmm, now where is my mascara

15 years ago

Great tips! fabulous video!