How To Depot Lipsticks

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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I had a horrid n’ time consuming experience cutting the lipstick off at the base n’ smushing it into my pallettes shallow well. After, that I did some reasearch n’ found a much easier way to do it. HOWEVER there are a few variables that determin the success of your depoting using my new method. Come see more on how to depot your lipsticks gracefully n’ learn from my mistakes…

My New Method:

Cutting a piece of the lipstick off (depends on the depth of the well)
Melting it ontop of a candle
Pouring it into the well

Sounds simple right? WELL THINK AGAIN

So heres what we need!

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The most important thing that you will need n’ that is the pallette to put your lipsticks in. I bought one during the Makeup Show Chicago from Nigels beauty emporium for $20. The pallette is two sided with 21 shallow wells n’ 14 long though still shallow wells.

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The arrow is pointing at the lipstick that I manually smushed down into the pallettes well! The only advange was that I was able to fit the entire brand new lipstick into the well. On the flip side by melting them you can not…

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So! Lets begin the new way we can depot our lipsticks…

Step 1.
Make sure your lipsticks have been throughly cleaned before you depot them

Step 2.

The size of your pallettes well will determine the amount of lipstick you can cut off into your spoon.

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Step 3.

My wells were unfortunately shallow so I could only cut off a third of the lipstick! The lipstick took about 1 minute to melt fully

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Step 5.

Carefully pour the lipstick into the well! KNOW that it will rise n’ potientially spill over, that’s what happended to two of my lipsticks…#oops

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What is left…

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So for those of you that are wondering if the color would be the same once it’s melted, don’t worry…it will be! The next picture shows that #1 was the original #2 is the color melted down

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Once I finished melting down my colors I added the stickers to the sleeve

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So as you can tell I made a complete mess of my palette but I refused to give up till I got it right! So I hope you guys could learn from my mistakes n’ do better than me on your first time! Please remember the following which I feel are super important when depoting your lipsticks…

1. How deep are your pallette wells
2. Are you using the entire lipstick? (including whats beyond the base because there is a ton more down there)
3. Make sure they are clean before you begin to depot them! If you are sanitizing with alcohol clean the night before to be on the safe side

Depoting your lipsticks will totally help minimize the weight of your kit! Any bit helps rights? Well let me know in the comment box

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