Top #10 Tips For Becoming A Makeup Artist

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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Since I have been in the fashion n’ beauty industry for the past 3 years I have combined some of the most essential tips I could for you guys! I really hope you find the tips useful n’ I would like to know which tip is the most influential to you? Which tip do you need to work

on the most! I would love your feed back! So enjoy watching the video, I give more in depth explanations than just the bullet points below! I cut a lot out because I did not want to be blabbing on n’ on all day. However, please email me if you have n e questions! I hope it helps some of you who are passionate about this business! Lastly, if you have any important tips please don’t hesitate to share them in the comment box…


My top TEN tips:
10. Ask who ever you believe in for a vision! To help direct your path

9. Have fun doing makeup! When you stop having fun n’ look at it more so as a money maker it will take the fun out of it

8. Be SERIOUS about your business! If you half ask it others will not take you seriously n’ take there business elsewhere

7. NETWORK! Start building a team! Use social medias to help you

6. Start building a portfolio! whether it be online or a book! It is very important to have work to show

5. Invest in some business cards

4. Don’t form a BIG EGO! Stay humble even if you n’ everyone else knows your talented

3. Don’t worry about using a lot of your product while practicing! THAT’S THE POINT!!!

2. Practice on a VARIETY of skin tons! Do TFP Shoots! (What the video to find out what TFP stands for)

1. Invest in your business



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12 years ago

To make your eyes look bigger 1. Frame your face using ghhhligiter on the cheekbones and blusher on the apples of your cheeks2. Use a white eye liner on your upper and lower lidTo make your eyes look bluer -1. Use brown eyeshadow2. Wear blue clothing !I have blue eyes and by doing this it works!

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