M.A.C. n’ Sephora Haul

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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As well all know it’s Wedding n’ Homecoming season so it’s time to make sure you are over stocked on product! I went crazy at the M.A.C store because I was in need of knew products. I got everything from the essentials to the must haves!…click here to learn more…

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So to start I really wanted the 226 brush, I am so happy I bought it because it is WONDERFUL!!! I plan on buying about 2 more for my kit.

The 226 Brush is awesome for, Blending in the crease, blending in general, n’ cutting the crease! I can go on n’ on about this brush
The 266 brush is awesome as well! I want a few more of those as well!
The 212 brush is awesome for applying liner n’ concealer under the eyes, foundation under the eye, cutting the crease n’ more!
The 204 eyebrow spoolie is great for brushing the brows into place.

I was so excited to make the video for you guys I seriously almost threw away the typographic pan shadow I bought!

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One other key item I bought that I wanted to try out was M.A.Cs oil control lotion…IT IS GREAT! Just apply a tiny bit to the oily areas let it set for a minute or so then you are ready to GO! or at least finish priming the face! I use the Smashbox photofinish primer

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I got three awesome powders in Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Medium Deep, Medium Dark, n’ Dark great for many different skin tones

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Lastly, I got a blush pan palette n’ the peach twist blush, Genuine Treasure Paint Point, n’ a Powder puff!

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K! I hope you guys enjoy the video! *Besos*

[youtube -EAXBYGj3OQ]


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