My Latest Addition…Bar Height Directors Chair

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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I have been wanting a professional directors chair for such a long time now! My plan was to use it for makeup of course! Normal chairs hurts my back n’ stools aren’t high enough! So one day I was shopping in a thrift store n’

I saw the chair pictured above! I said to myself “I want that chair NOW!” Well being the broke college student that I was $50 was a stretch! But I kept watching the chair n’ it finally came down to $29.99! The chair is amazing! So professional, I cant wait to get one that is personalized. But my new baby A.K.A C.M Jr. is the best thing ever!

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The only hassle is carrying it! Since it only folds up n’ it does not bend at the legs getting it into your car could be a problem. C.M Jr is a little heavy but I carry it like a purse with handles.

So will you guys be going to find your own Bar Height Makeup Chair? After You Vote Please Post Comments! I’d love to read them *Besos*

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13 years ago

We are so in sync, I went shopping for a chair this weekend. I found a makeup artist directors chair online that folds up and is ultra easy to carry.

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