The Topshop Carries Makeup?!?!?

Hi Ladies n’ Gents!

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WHO NEW! I have NO idea that the topshop carried makeup! I was shopping in Chicago to find out the new topshop just opened two weeks prior to my trip! I was very excited to go in there n’ see what all the fuss was about…

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The clothes in there were VERY cute however they were quite expensive as well! As I was shopping I came across the  small makeup section by the register n’ I thought “I had no idea they sold makeup! Let’s try it out!!!” I purchased to kohl pencils for $8.00 each…

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I really like them because they are very moveable! They are kind of creamy to me so setting them with a powder will do the trick! Also the coal pencil is AWESOME for a smokey eye!

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When applying the frost pencil be careful because you can over apply like I did! However, at least we know that the color is pigmented n’ a little goes a long way…

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I am now a fan of there eye kohls! When I go back to the Chi I will be looking into more colors…So tell me…



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