Top 10 Fall/Winter Beauty Must Haves

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

Top 10 Fall/Winter Beauty Must HavesPin this image on Pinterest

Honestly, this is kind of like “C.Michelles Favorite Things Post” for the Fall/Winter months.These items are my fall/winter staples, however I do wear the primer n’ fragrance year round. So fall has reared its ugly head in the Midwest (weather wise)! I am hoping for an Indian summer that last till next summer LOL. Even though fall is my favorite season, I am just not ready. I feel like the fall just snuck up on me, I wasn’t even able to prepare!. Enough of my venting…let me share with you guys my  Top 10 Fall/Winter Beauty Must Haves! Starting with #10

10. Dark Nail Polish: Pull out all the dark shades that you have been yearning to wear all summer long! I personally have been wanting to wear a burgundy/oxblood color all summer but I wanted to wait to make it my first nail color of the fall. The darker shades truly represent the fall.

9. Fragrance: There is nothing like a beautiful fall scent with notes of amber, spice, ect. I tend to wear heavier scents in the fall like Jessica Simpson Fancy Love.

8. Body Scrub/Exfoliant: Choose a body scrub that has a rich emollient in it like Orgins Ginger Body Scrub.  The scrub will remove all traces of roughness n’ smooth out the skin. Exfoliating once or twice a week will help your body shed off all the dead skin n’ remain its radiant glow. When using any scrub make sure you do your feet very last n’ rinse off well! We don’t want any accidents.

7. Lotion with Emollient: Kiehls Cream De Corp body moisturizer is the only lotion that keeps my skin hydrated. I have noticed when using other brands, after I put on my clothes n’ head back home after a long day I look super dry again. Kiehls has not done that to me…(thank God). Even though it is on the pricer side, I needed something that is going to work.

6. Bronzer: My fav is the Milani Bronzer! Use a bronzer to remind you of the summer months n’ how you were not bound to layering pieces! Oh also, to remind you of the warmth n’ sun you are not getting LOL

5. Lip Balm with spy 15: Trish McEvoy lip moisture is awesome n’ rich. I remember walking to class in the bitter cold n’ my lips would be so chapped! I wish I knew about this product!

4.  Hand Cream: Have you ever gone to shake someones hand n’ to your dismay you look down to see dry ashy hands? YES it has happened to me! I just prayed they just look at me n’ not at my hands! lol Also, you do not want dry, chapped hands under your gloves either, it hurts LOL! No really it does *straight face*

3. Tea: You gotta be healthy on the outside as well as the inside. There is nothing like a cup of warm tea during the colder months. Have a cup of decaf tea before bed to help you wind down n’ replenish/refresh the body…

2. Night Serum: For some reason when I think of the fall/winter I focus more on my night time routine than day. Not to say at all that I am slacking on my day time routine, but I just feel with the wind/snow n’ all that evilness smaking you in the face you really need to treat the skin from what it just went through. I find it more important to replenish the skin at night so in the morning you will have double reinforcement to take on that harsh bitter cold that following day.

1. Prime the skin-If you never primed before let this fall/winter be the time you start! Protect your skin using a primer before you apply your makeup!
The products were not listed in any particular order! I just wanted to do a count down! LOLOL. N e who, I hope you guys found my Top 10 Fall/Winter Beauty Must Haves helpful! Tell me below what are some of your Fall/Winter beauty staples? 


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10 years ago

Great choices. A friend gave me a body scrub recently and I’ve been looking forward to using it as part of my Fall beauty regimen. I also love the posted polish…the color is very grown & sexy!

10 years ago

The fall is officially here in Michigan! We didn’t have much of summer at all. Fall is my second favorite season after Summer so I guess I’m ready. I like your list of must haves for fall/winter. I have to buy some dark nail polish and some face primer. Thanks for sharing!

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