What’s In My Kit? Individual Lip Applicators

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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For some of you having individual lip wands may be self explanatory, however I want to inform those who may not know the importance of having them n’ give you all, experienced or inexperienced some of C.Michelles tips n’ tricks…

When applying lipstick or lip gloss on a client, it is SUPER IMPORTANTE (spanglish) to apply the product using an lip wand! Why you ask? Simply because it is sanitary n’ helps reduce cleaning time!

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For example,  if you are doing the makeup for a wedding and all the bridesmaids are to have the same look (of course modified for each skin type n’ complexion), it would be nasty n’ very unsanitary to directly apply the same lipstick on each bridesmaid. Doing makeup for hectic events, like weddings n’ fashion shows, you cant thoroughly sanitize for time purposes. You can spray the product down with cleanser or alcohol but not with the time n’ care needed.

To eliminate the stress, when you purchase a lipstick that is just for your kit, make sure that the lip stick never actually touches the lips of people (if you can help it) applying a new, clean, lip applicator for each client n’ each time of use should suffice. However, this does not mean that you do not have to clean the lipstick, because you most definitely do.

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1. Works best when apply makeup to a large quantity of people
2. Reduces cleaning time
3. Sanitary

1. May not give the best precision when applying lipstick like a lipstick brush would

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14 years ago

Good info. I currently have individual lip brushes as part of my kit.

14 years ago

Great Post!

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