What’s In My Kit? The Basics: Moisturizers

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

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I am starting this segment to help up in-coming makeup artist that need help on what to have in there makeup kits. I will be discussing the basics on what
should be in your kits n’ why they are important. I will be posting “What’s In My Kit?” every other Monday.

Ok down to business,  why is it so important to have moisturizers in your kit? Say for instance you have a client that comes in with super dry chappy skin, then what do you do? You would need to apply a moisturizer!

Have a moisturizer for:
1. Oily/Combination Skin
2. Dry Skin
3. Normal Skin

I like to keep Olay products in my kit because I have found it to be the most universal, however keep a variety in your kit! Always ask your client if they have moisturizer on there face, if not apply it! This will keep the skin hydrated n’ will keep the skin protected underneath the makeup that you apply!

Ok guys, the next “Whats In My Kit? The Basic: Primer” Will be next January 17, 2010.

Hope this helps!


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11 years ago

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11 years ago


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14 years ago

Great post!

PLEASE, if you can, do something on how to keep your skin hydrated during winter months! The area around my mouth has been SO dry lately!

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