She’s SunKissed n’ Fab! Meet SunkissAlba!

Hi Ladies n’ Gents!

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I am so excited introduce to you Sunkissalba! The beautiful Dominicana that stays busy with family, business, n’ keeping her curls BEAUTIFUL! Click below to read the deets!

1. What are some of your favorite curly hair products?
Well in my videos I spoke about & I still love their products however I’m trying to find products that are more accessible so I am now trying the Organix products.  If I like it I will make a video showing how I use them. Ive been wanting to find something more affordable as well for everyone who cant order online & needs products quicker.

2. I am sure you get this question a lot but what is your ethnicity?
I am Dominican. My Parents are both Dominican as well but we also have a European background from France or so.

3. How did you come about creating videos for youtube?
It all started by being inspired by a few girls but mainly RissRose2 about 2 years ago when I first found out about beauty channels. Until one day I decided to search for girls that were more like me meaning,skin tone, curly natural hair, light eyes, Latina etc… However I didn’t really find all those things all in one person.  I decided to make my own channel because I felt I had something new to offer to everyone who likes watching Real girls / Non celebrity, speak on their own opinion and experience with Beauty and show their talent. It took me a while to start but I finally did in March 2010.

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4. What is your curly hair regimen?
-(washing my hair with something not too drying/not too moisturizing) because Moisturizing too much will weigh down my root volume.
-Conditioning my hair Only the middle of my hair to ends, not Roots
-Comb through
-Sometimes I deep condition my ends.
-After I towel dry I apply a moisturizer to my ends & edges of my hair line. Right now im trying the Organix moisturizer butI also like Bio silk
– I apply a leave in conditioner & mix it with Organix conditioner
– Comb through to distribute products
– I take my blow dryer & set it to a low cool temp & diffuse

5. I know you are married with a child, how do you stay so fab n’ still have a life?
Lol having a family definitely changes your life but for the better even though I lost friends, and don’t want to do the same things as before. I’m still me, I still love shopping, makeup, & having fun. The difference now is that I do things on my son’s timing & what works best for us as a family. I try to keep up with being a Mom and being young at the same time, its not hard it comes easy once you become a mom, you just do what you have to do.

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6. What are some of your favorite makeup brands?
I have a few favorites but I really love Bobbi Brown! and of course I like Mac. As for drugstore brands my Favorite has to be Maybelline.

7. Where do you want to take your Makeup Artistry/business in the next few years?
Being a Licensed makeup artist is absolutely on my “To do List” and with that I hope to expand my Youtube channel, be a Celebrity makeup artist, and start my own Cosmetic line. I know it won’t happen quickly or over night but I will definitely do it!

Wow! Go head girl! I hope you guys learned a lot about Alba, she is awesome! If you want to see more of her check out her channel on YT:

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[…] tighter curls such as this girls' (very similar to the one in your pic but seem shinier to me…): She’s SunKissed n’ Fab! Meet SunkissAlba! | I also think she's very beautiful, she has lots of videos on Youtube. I had a feeling she was from […]

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