OOoohhh, this can be VERY touchy! Its kind of like damn if you do, damn if you don’t. It can be your soulmate, you never know….
15 years ago
No, never mix business with pleasure. You mess up your money and your honey that way. LoL Plus you don’t want everyone on the job to know what goes on in your private life.
Shehasavoice2…thats true! U know ppl will be nosy!
Persiliac C.
15 years ago
Lol, I had to comment on this because I recently tired it and I have to say I’ll never do it again. I guess it all depends on who you meet as far as how it would work out. The dude I was talking to at my job instantly became psycho called me all the time ugh, I can even describe the weird things that he would say and do. One night I had a dream that he was waiting for me by my door. lol can you say night sweat. I would wake up not wanting to go to… Read more »
Amerra, this is true, hopefully they work on diff floors, lol
15 years ago
I dont think it can be bad as long as you both realize that while at work that you shouldnt act on your feelings too much, like showing that you two are together, but harmless flirty is not bad. Once the relationship starts to go bad it normally affects both sides work and then either someone gets fired or quits because they can not stand being around the other person. So really it depends on the relationship and the people. So people do it and end the relationship and it doesnt effect their work and then in other situations it… Read more »
Nike, thats true, it would be annoying to stare at them in the face all day! Thanks for participating…tune in tomorrow!
15 years ago
Although, if you meet a prospect and they seem mature, I feel there needs to be some ground rules and an understanding from the door. I mean who am I kidding, If Bors Kodjoe worked at my job(and wasn’t married to the fabulously gorgeous Nicole Ari) I would def holla at him in a split second (who cares if it was the work place) he’s a fine specimen of man meet, I just would have to take a chance on! LOL
Lee-Lee! LMBO! This is true! and yes he is very attractive…thanks so much for answering the question.
Marie Antoinette
15 years ago
Well from personal experience (I’ve done this twice) I dont see anything wrong with it. In one case you have to make sure that work is work and the relationship aspect has to stay out of the workplace. But usually if anything…dating a co-worker should strengthen the relationship…esp if you two have busy schedules and the workplace could be used as quick quality time that is needed in a relationship. Its just all about communication. (& the job)
It depends on the individual. From my experience I found that dating a co-worker can be a bit stifling. Not only do you have to see them after hours but they want to car pool, have lunch dates, etc. It can be a bit much. If its someone who’s the love of your life I say, “Go for it!” but if its just a fling I don’t think its worth the possible drama that may ensue. 🙂
OOoohhh, this can be VERY touchy! Its kind of like damn if you do, damn if you don’t. It can be your soulmate, you never know….
No, never mix business with pleasure. You mess up your money and your honey that way. LoL Plus you don’t want everyone on the job to know what goes on in your private life.
Shehasavoice2…thats true! U know ppl will be nosy!
Lol, I had to comment on this because I recently tired it and I have to say I’ll never do it again. I guess it all depends on who you meet as far as how it would work out. The dude I was talking to at my job instantly became psycho called me all the time ugh, I can even describe the weird things that he would say and do. One night I had a dream that he was waiting for me by my door. lol can you say night sweat. I would wake up not wanting to go to… Read more »
Persiliac, LMBO! omgosh, Im sorry you had to go through all of that! Luckily you are free of him now! Thanks for the input!
Amerra, this is true, hopefully they work on diff floors, lol
I dont think it can be bad as long as you both realize that while at work that you shouldnt act on your feelings too much, like showing that you two are together, but harmless flirty is not bad. Once the relationship starts to go bad it normally affects both sides work and then either someone gets fired or quits because they can not stand being around the other person. So really it depends on the relationship and the people. So people do it and end the relationship and it doesnt effect their work and then in other situations it… Read more »
Nike, thats true, it would be annoying to stare at them in the face all day! Thanks for participating…tune in tomorrow!
Although, if you meet a prospect and they seem mature, I feel there needs to be some ground rules and an understanding from the door. I mean who am I kidding, If Bors Kodjoe worked at my job(and wasn’t married to the fabulously gorgeous Nicole Ari) I would def holla at him in a split second (who cares if it was the work place) he’s a fine specimen of man meet, I just would have to take a chance on! LOL
Lee-Lee! LMBO! This is true! and yes he is very attractive…thanks so much for answering the question.
Well from personal experience (I’ve done this twice) I dont see anything wrong with it. In one case you have to make sure that work is work and the relationship aspect has to stay out of the workplace. But usually if anything…dating a co-worker should strengthen the relationship…esp if you two have busy schedules and the workplace could be used as quick quality time that is needed in a relationship. Its just all about communication. (& the job)
Marie, great points! I just hope I wouldnt get tired of seeing him all day! I wouldnt have time to miss him!
I met my boyfriend on the workfloor and next year we are getting married..
Steff, congrats
It depends on the individual. From my experience I found that dating a co-worker can be a bit stifling. Not only do you have to see them after hours but they want to car pool, have lunch dates, etc. It can be a bit much. If its someone who’s the love of your life I say, “Go for it!” but if its just a fling I don’t think its worth the possible drama that may ensue. 🙂
Reed, that is sooo true! Great insight! Thank you!