Question of the Day

Goodmorning Loves,

Do you believe in long distant relationships?

Speak on it!

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14 years ago

I believe it can be done but it takes will-power and trust is the main key. You have to be HONEST,HONEST,HONEST. But I have done it and it worked out fine b/c i dont have to see u everyday all day lol!! I love this website!!!

14 years ago

I don’t believe in it. I have a friend who is dating an Italian guyn they met in Italy and they’re together for 5 years but he cheated on her a lot, they called each others everyday and she goes in Italy like 6times in a year but they say it’s too hard.
An other friend went study in Usa for one year and felt in love with someone but they broke up last year because of the distance

14 years ago

I believe that they are possible. Just like in any relationship, communication and trust is KEY! You can’t progress through any type of relationship without these two essential items. I had a semi-long distance relationship for 4 years that was for the most part successful. Anything is PoSSSiblE!

Persiliac C.
Persiliac C.
15 years ago

I believe long distant relationships only work if both parties have a complete understand of what they want in a relationship.

15 years ago

um it depends i personally don’t think it’s worth it if the relationship is fresh…it can work if the relationship has matured and each partner has accepted the fact that they wanna be with each other forever and that they will do everything in their power to protect the relationship and not cheat…personally i cnt see me in a long distance one just for the simple fact that i’m visual…i like to see you and no that you’re there..not by webcam but affection is key as in physical touch..this way im assured that it all is real 🙂

15 years ago

i’m in a long distance relationship right now and we are still going strong. we still talk to each other about 15x a day just like we use to before i moved. if you truly love that person and that person truly loves you it will work but eventually someone has to relocate.

15 years ago

Yes I do believe in long distance relationships, as I am in one right now. Though they prove to be very difficult, with communication, trust, and time it should work out. It is key that both parties COMMUNICATE and are on the same page, things get complicated when they aren’t clear and you’re stuck “reading between the lines”. Bottom line, anything is possible when both parties are willing and able…

15 years ago

I so agree with Sydney! I’m currently in a long distance relationship, my fiance` is in the Air Force. He made this decision and if a person really cares for someone they will be there no matter what. Communication is the key, but so is understanding. It’s hard not being able to talk when touch someone when you want to. One must understand that if it’s meant to be it will be and they will be together if fate allows it. Love if it’s true love will always find a way of working out…

15 years ago

I think long distance relationships are possible. I used to be so against them until I was placed into the situation. COMMUNICATION is key! With today’s technology, you can text, call, Skype, and it will basically be the same minus the cuddle time. That’s when frequent flyer programs come into play. It can and will work if you allow it. Any relationship takes work whether it’s near or far.