Question of the Day!

Is it ok to search through your significant others phone?

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14 years ago

It is DEF NOT ok! If I found out my significant other did this to me there would be some serious consequences!

14 years ago

I’ve never felt the need to do such a thing but don’t mind a female takin’ a look every now n then. If it becomes a habit then that’s a sign that she enjoys drama and its #ontothenextone. You should be smart enough to have a backup phone(preferably pre-paid) that you keep @ a undisclosed location! Hypothetically speaking of course! 🙂

men lie about women
men lie about women
14 years ago

i checked his fone almost everyday..because i honestly don’t trust him somtimes..

14 years ago

No!!! Respect his space! However, if you think something’s up then as a last resort, search his phone!

14 years ago

If you do look through it you need to find out why you don’t trust that person>? Also try to find out what you feel that you are not being or lacking/not providing for that person

15 years ago

Yes! But only if your woman’s intuition tells you to.

samantha in tha N,C
samantha in tha N,C
15 years ago

At this point in my life I do not have a boyfriend, but when I have been with my conpanion……No because I honestly do not want him to go through my phone. I did have one boyfriend that I felt as if he was cheating on me and he showed me all his calls. I had him call up some chicks and dimiss them, yet some of them called anyway and he would pass me the phone and I would talk to them myself until he just changed he number.

15 years ago

I may look every now and then but not really. I trust him but he does not trust me. He will check my phone when I go to sleep. He has even called some of my male friends and questioned them but they are just friends. There is alot of jealousy in the relationship on his part. Trust me…I am wrapping up the relationship as we speak….can’t live like that.

15 years ago

No way.

15 years ago

no totally not..i would not like him to do that to me..But i tend to just do it some times..a sneak peak then

15 years ago

Yes I do. I dont do it expecting to find anything but I would like to know if there is something on there that i dont like and who all he is talking to.